Friday, September 7, 2012


Here is the other part.  I think I'll show my last photoshoot in the next couple of days and then stop this blog.  I don't think I'm good at this type of writing.  I do really want to start a foreign movie review blog, though.  I think that would fell much better, but as for all my art things, I just need to be able to focus on them in my own time.  I'm starting to lose why I started writing this one.  Maybe my exploration needs to be my own struggle or something.  Maybe I was just hoping for comments on what I'm good at, but either way it's not how I imagined it would feel.  Rather than sharing things, I want to build my stock and resume.  But there are some things I promised I would share, so it'll be a few posts before I close this particular blog down.  Please look forward to my movie review one though. I get very passionate when it comes to movies, especially foreign films.  It's why I went to film school.  I always wanted to work on films in Japan or Korea.  I'm working hard to get a new job in the industry or just to raise some funds so I can get some new editing programs and build my resume.


Here are Jame's best pictures from the photoshoot.  I really feel he should have had a plaid over-shirt or something because the shirt really wasn't flattering to his body type.

I really regret not getting more shots to show off his eye colour.  They are very unique.

Monday, September 3, 2012


I finally finished the picture for my brother's b-day, so as soon as he gets it I will post the process I took!

Here are Chelsea's top pics from the previous shoot.  These were a lot of fun since we played in the water a bit.  The colours she wore actually worked really well for both colour and black and white.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

PHOTOGRAPHY: Western Shoot

The second half of the formal shoot I did actually took very little time with the duo shots. Honestly I like all the individuals better. I asked the models to come dressed as western as they could, a sort of fake western.  Neither are farm folk by nature, so they had to borrow a few things, and I just said to dress more casual with tank tops.  It ended up being a little punk western for Chelsea, but I really liked it.  The location I used was also a really pretty park. One of my favorite actually. It has a nice secluded area where there's a steam and no housed around to hear you if you scream.

Here are some of the very few shots we did of them together:

 Unfortunately, on the one above the scrim we used to light up Chelsea's features ended up reflecting too much light.
The above was really the first time I felt James was actually doing a more model pose.

I really liked playing around with the playground, but kids kept running into the shots even though I tried to pick a slower time.