Sunday, July 29, 2012

PHOTOGRAPHY: Debut of a Camera

As this really is the beginning of the blog, I figured it would be a good idea to introduce you to the camera I use for my photography.

First off, I should like to introduce you to my beautiful Pentax k-r:

This beauty was actually a birthday present from my wonderful brother, who I'm sure would like more than a card to repay this treasure. For now I've promised him a music video for his albums once I get the funding. I have the whole thing planned; imagine some strangely moving aliens and tools with a poor soul unsure of what will happened to him. It's a cheap description, but I don't give the good descriptions out in case a really wretched man with a double chin and a mole above his bushy eyebrows steals the ideas and then takes them to France where they make million and millions of dollars (he might even be the same guy who buys and sells organs behind K-mart).


The great thing about this camera is it's ability to interchange parts with the old Pentax film camera I inherited from my intimidating father. My whole set has three interchangeable lenses (the zoom is fantastic), a flash, and a memory card able to hold thousands of pictures as well as movies.

We actually chose this camera because of the added quality of the video and sound. That way I could do pictures and films; important if you are looking into various types of projects but are on a budget. If you are looking to buy a camera, I recommend you check and see if any relatives have old film cameras they aren't using. Most brands can use the same lenses as new digital cameras.


When I first really went out to experiment with my camera, it was at the Denver Zoo. I chased down so many peacocks (I kinda have a thing for them...but not in a creepy way). The big cats probably got sick of seeing me all google-eyed and excitedly snapping pictures like a six-year-old (which I am not), for I went to see them at least three times. I ended up being so mad at myself for forgetting the zoom lens when I knew the animals would be far away in many cases, I was in a complete mood until I got home.

The quality of the picture ended up being way above my expectations. I'm sure it would have been even better if I had actually figured out how to use the auto focus at that time. Actually it took me several months to figure it out....there are a lot of of buttons and settings......did I mention it was the first time really experimenting with it...

Really I just wanted to introduce my love and to give a very early example of what it can do. Look forward to my upcoming photography posts where I show you my growth, give tips, and even reveal the fashion photos I'm most proud of! I'm sure my next photography one should show the editing program I've been using, but I got that program after this particular trip.

Now this post really should find an end much like The Land Before Time never could, and I present you with my favorite set of pictures from that day (they look cooler when you flip them back and forth):

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