Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Since this is still the start of my blog, I still want to push through to get all the introductions out of the way. Should you feel a little bored I will do my best to insert pieces of interest whether it's stunning pictures or strange tales of giant chickens and gum-berries.

And now, ladies and gentlemen, the writing program that works wonders for eliminating distractions. I started using ommwriter when it was still in it's trial version.

The program takes up the entire screen. There are many options to chose. I work with the free version, so mine is a little limited. You can have calming music or sounds in the background, sound for the key-strokes, different fonts, and a few different backgrounds. When I write I usually turn the music off and have my Pandora playlists on. Once you start typing, all distractions go away:

Extra 13 points if you could read the story (the points can be traded in for a pencil after you accumulate 50,000 of them). Even when I have to pay attention to format, I type it on omm and then later transfer the document to another open office writing program.

Another thing that is very helpful for writing is a quote book. Even just listening to conversations works wonders, but sometime I hear or say something that just inspires me:

"Tragedy is when I cut my finger; comedy is when you walk into an open sewer and die."
                                                       -Mel Brooks

"well, he talked to himself a lot, so it made me think of you."
                                                      -my mom

"The parched night sky gulps the red blood shed by fools...and the moon...she laughs."
                                                     -Kazuya Minekura

I also have a dream journal, but do forgive me if I don't share from that. Most of my dreams tend to be either fantastical or nightmarish. It's why I mostly write horror/mystery. Recently I have dabbled in comedic short stories. I like to think I have a good imagination that helps me introduce random elements.

I think I shall end here today. Tomorrow I will try to update with the drawing utensils...and that should be all for introductory things.

Don't fall down any giant pots until then, please.

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