Monday, August 20, 2012

DRAWING: Animal sketches

Today I am really feeling the drawing deity floating above my head. I've got my sketchbooks and my pencil set out and ready for action. I have a plan, but for specific reasons I can't quite share it yet. It does involve an animal, so to pump myself up I looked through my sketchbook at the animal sketches I've done. I really hope I don't get started and suddenly block up. It sometimes happens, but it has been a while, so I think my hands are itching for a creative outlet using graphite.

I really hope it goes well since I've been a bit down today. I woke up with some back pain and my usual sudden burst of anxieties for the future in financial terms.

Since it's an animal drawing I'll share some of the pics from my sketchbook involving animals. Please enjoy.

The next is more of a random sketch I made on a drawing block, then decided it looked very animalistic. Kind of like a nine tail fox legend.

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