Friday, August 3, 2012

DRAWING: Paper and Utensils

I have used the same brand of pencils since middle school. When it comes to drawing, I prefer graphite due to the shading and fine lines that I've had a pot of practice in. It always works better when you use the tools of which you are most familiar with. Like a dork, I made my own pencil holder out of place-mats and stretching cords.They are getting a bit worn, so I suppose it's about time to make some new holders.

The second holder supports the tools I use to smooth lines and blend. The biggest problem I've had to face when drawing is being left handed. My hand sometimes smears the graphite into the white-space or, even worse, melds the detailed parts together. I have to work hard to tilt my hand the right way, but I also have to erase a lot. The eraser pen (in blue) is very helpful. You can even use a pencil sharpener to make it a fine-tipped eraser; though you need to be a bit gentle.

I love put it in very simple terms. Inspiration builds up inside me until, like a parched fire, it thirsts for paper. Any paper. Even notebook paper and sometimes the corners of exam papers. I used to do a lot of quick drawings in my notebooks...yet somehow I managed to pass all my classes with flying colours.

When I was in school me and my friend drew all over our note-books. Mine were a little less perverse, but the comics we made were really fun if not a bit inappropriate. Even on the exam papers we both got extra comments for the drawings we would make on the sides. I did a little more of an anime style back then, but have since moved to more realistic faces while keeping the same fantastical ideas and styles. Over the years I've gathered at least 12 different sketchbooks; my favorites being the black bound notebook types. The only bad thing I can say about them is that I have to cut the finished products out if I decide I want to hang them.

I'm sorry to say that that's it for now. I look forward to talking to everyone tomorrow as well.

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