Tuesday, August 14, 2012

DRAWING: Green Faerie

Well, I reached an all time low for my writing yesterday: 224 words. I spent so much time running errands and writing my other blog (thankfully only done once a week), that by the time I got to my novel writing it was already midnight. I couldn't keep my eyes open, but I still tried to write as best I could. Actually it wasn't until I was correcting as much as writing that I decided it would be best to give up for the night. Today I am pumped. I have my drink, my computer, my music, and the porch in which to focus upon.

I have been doing some new work with my drawings. I actually wanted to see what I could do with my drawings in my photography editing program. So far I am very pleased. It takes up a ton of ram, though.

Since I seem to be Faerie themed this week, I'll continue on with a particular drawing.

I apologize for the quality. I'm a bit too poor at the moment to afford a big enough scanner, so my drawings are photographed as best I can do without a tripod.

This is actually a very minimalistic drawing for me. I tend to really get into designs and details, but when I got this far, I decided it looked great. It actually extends out a bit more to the left and there is a lot more "white" space, but I changed the framing a bit.

Here is what it looks like AFTER using photoshop lightroom:

I really am very fond of peacock feathers. Of course I might go back and do a little touch-up work, but I really like what the program lets me do so far. It's no Photoshop where I can manipulate and layer (at least not that I've found), but there is still lots to do for those who like to experiment. Boy do I like experimenting, but they've made most of that illegal, so I'll stick to artsy things.


  1. I am so jealous. I wish I could draw like you. You know you are going to give me a copy of your book so I can read it. :)

    1. Hmmmmmm. I might have to charge you... NAH Of course You'll get a copy when it's done!
