Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Today is a great day! Yesterday I really kicked but with the drawing I was working on. I really feel acomplished as an artist. It's not helping me narrow down what to focus on, though. I really wil reveal the drawing when it's doe, but I can't spoil it for the person who's getting it as a gift. I love drawing gifts for people. This year I'm even going to do my parent's x-mass cards, so it's great to have projects to focus on with guidlines.

I've actually been taking pictures of my progress on this drawing, so I hope that's something for everyone to look forward to. I still did my writing yesterday as well, but not as many words as I would have liked. Today I'm caught between working to finish my drawing, or to really drive forward on the writing. I keep going back and forth until my head aches, but it could also be that I should drink more water. It is really roasting outside! I have the AC really cranked.

Anyway, since its an animal that I'm drawing, here are some animal pics for hints (if you couldn't guess a bit from the title):

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