Monday, August 6, 2012

WRITING: Spider Dream

I spent over an hour after I woke up trying to remember a really freaky dream I had so I could write it down. This dream had several stages to it too. You ever have one of those dreams where a person you know acts like a real jerk and you are still mad at them even when you wake up? It was one of those.

The dream had these weird animal-like people (actually the way they looked kinda reminded me of the show Wilfred. I've never seen it, but maybe I should...). Even in the dream I could sense that they were created that way from normal humans. I ended up trying to escape from them for fear that they would experiment on me and make me the same. Of course when I try to run, the car doesn't seem to want to lock and I suddenly can't see out any of the windows, because of the phantom snowstorm that magically dumped a foot of snow on the car. My boyfriend is with me and, for some reason, he has the keys. He cant seem to function properly. Finally, I get to driving, but the whole road is ice. I end up skidding the opposite way from home. The car speeds down the snowy and barren road, with my foot slamming the breaks the entire time.

Somehow I end up back at "my" apartment. I put "my" in quotations, because I've never actually seen that apartment before in my life. My boyfriend is there as well. I go into my room to lay on the bed and relax. I see a thick string in the corner of the ceiling. With my eyes I follow it to above my head. Suddenly a fluttering moth caught in the string, which I now realize is spider thread, gets tangled in my hear. I feel the crawling in my hair. It feels like the spider is in there as well. I try to scream, but it wont come out loud enough. I can hear the sink running in the kitchen. I keep trying to call for help. As I cry, webs and spiders fall from the sky and aim for my mouth. I try to shield it, but as a result the scream is barely a whisper.

Finally my boyfriend comes in and frees my hair. The spiders aiming for my mouth are gone. He makes fun of me, even as we look up and see my ceiling is covered in hanging webs. The largest is attached to a large birthday balloon shaped like an 8. I decide I have to spray the entire room down, but without listening to me, my boyfriend yanks the balloon down and angers the spider. I can see the gleam from it's home; a hole in my ceiling.

I'm leaving a ton out, but to be fair, the whole dream took up two and a half pages once I recalled it all. It was also very detailed.

Last night I saw a frog...why couldn't I dream of frogs. I really really hate spiders!!!

The reason I put this in writing should be obvious. I get a lot of ideas from dreams like these. It's why I write a lot of horror. I have plans for some of the elements in this particular dream. Still it was so realistic, that it left me in quite a mood for the rest of the day. To fix that I am now enjoying a lovely breeze from my porch while watching the wind move the waters of the small pond. The wind is a bit wild and the clouds are very inspiring. Maybe it will be a horror story day after all...


  1. Bahaha this reminds me of a dream I had about having spider legs for hair! also 8 if i remember correctly is a lucky number of Buddhists which means something to do with taking wrong and right paths through your life. or was there a reason the balloon was an 8 balloon? AND OMG where did you see that cool lime green frog!? i have honestly never seen a frog that close before on its own!

  2. I saw him on my way home right next to my house. I snuck as close as I could. If there is a reason for the 8, then I'm not sure. Maybe I should consult some Buddhists...
