Friday, August 10, 2012

WRITING: Steam Kar

The title of the novel I'm working on is "Steam Kar", though it might change.

I am ashamed. It has been two days since I've met my writing goal of 1500 words a day. I have some serious cracking down to do. I finally made it to chapter 10! I am so proud of myself. The whole story is going to be a trilogy. It's a steampunk era murder mystery. I put a lot of thoughts into the characters. I had the idea for it a long time ago when I had a weird dream. Finally, This year I decided to actually turn it into a novel, but the idea was too broad, so I decided to spit it into three books; each will have a different focus. I've already written the final chapters for the second book, because it's the part I originally dreamed. Plus, it's quite dramatic and dark. I kinda like those moments.

So I really want to get the first book completely done to the final draft by the end of the year.

I haven't let anyone read it yet. I get embarrassed about my grammar sometimes. I can't type as fast as my mind works, and I can't always stop to fix a mistake or I might loose the mojo.

The story centers around a lazy records department worker (Kar) in the basement of the city library. Because of a modified “ability” he has, he gets pulled into a lot of cases by the underworld boss and the police. Once I had the main characters down, the story kinda started writing itself. I never know what the next chapter's going to be about until I get there. That's why I really feel good about this novel. It's also why I get so upset when I don't stay on schedule. Motivation and time management are the things I'm working the most on. When I first started writing, I kinda overstressed myself without any breaks, now I'm trying to find the balance.

Sorry, if I went on and on, but this is a story about my struggle to make it as a creative person. I am just trying to make a living doing one or more of the things I really love and feel like I excel in. I'm still just a Jack-of-Arts trying to find what I can master.


  1. YAY steampunk!! OMG you are on chapter 10 already! that is seriously really impressive!!!! You know I think stephen king writes like 5 sentences a day so don't feel bad about not reaching the 1,500 words a day goal.

    I WANT TO READ THIS!! I know practically nothing about grammar so send it over when you done ya ya?

    1. It's really uplifting to hear that. I will let you read it first when I'm done with the first draft!
