Thursday, August 16, 2012

MISC: Yes.....again..teehee

So, It's a lovely raining day in the small burg of wherever it is I live. There's puddles with goopy worms, and if you ever read Calvin and Hobbes the comic I'm sure you would be reminded of worm-mucking.

Today is spinning around like a carousel, but without horses (I'm not a fan). I had a physical therapy session today, but it seems they twisted me a tad bit too far. So gee willikers, am I hopped up on some strong painkillers.

I really wanted to write in my novel, or draw a new picture I've been thinking about for my bro's birthday, but all that goes through my head is a wide assortment of songs from old tv shows and some other tunes that I'm pretty sure are from daytime tv channels from 10 years ago.

"'Cause I can hope and I can dream
and I m full of-full of- full of medicine."

Also the little teapot song for some reason.....

"There's a little teapot over there
doing some stuff and watering some hair"

I don't think it's a good idea to work on my novel or the next victim will be murdered by posies and suffer from scratchy eyes. But I intend to write something for my blog everyday, so lucky you!! I'm gonna go eat millions of peaches just for me.

And remember kids: drugs are bad, but painkillers taste like rainbows.

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