Saturday, August 11, 2012

MISC: Crazy Dozing Day

I reached my writing goal yesterday!! I got all the way past the halfway point of chapter 11 in my novel. Unfortunately, to do so today might mean I'm up all night. It's one of those days.

Since this is a personal blog, I feel I should be open and honest. Recently I've had severe back problems, and now I have a spinal therapist. Apparently the muscles around and between my 3rd and 4th vertebrae are shot (similar to damage from an accident). Luckily it's fixable. The point is, my back and entire right side are in a lot of pain due to the messed up muscles rubbing my nerve. The bed I sleep on has also gone very flat, so I can feel the support bars jutting up. As a result...I haven't really been sleeping well. My back was especially bad yesterday, and when I woke up this morning, I found myself with a massive migraine along with a worse back. After lunch I ended up just leaning against a pillow and relaxing for 4 hours. I feel better, but that means I got no writing done! Still, I'm going to try my best getting something down.

With my light dozing I had some really crazy dreams, but since it was such a weird sleep, I human-etch-a-sketched most of them away. I do remember that I had the ability to fly when I ran really fast and jumped into the air. The wind would catch me and by flapping my arms I could go higher. I tend to do that in a lot of my dreams. I wonder if it is a common thing.

There were a lot of people from my college days there too. They were also people I never really hung out with. I flew along side one of them and show off because they needed a machine to fly. We ended up landing and exploring a dark cave system with bones and still rotting corpses (because it just isn't a dream of mine without then). When we came out it was “back” into the museum like building. Around the edges were beautiful trees with blue buds.

I also remember this strange forest. I waited until dark before going by the lake. I was guarded by a scary looking bull thing, but he ended up liking me. It was hard to make him give me enough space to photograph the areas. The lake had bright coloured birds and sparkling bugs that looked like faeries. Then these “children” came out and played around. One climbed to the op of the pine tree and looked out into the moon. The shots I took were so stunning. I really wish there was a machine that could capture images from dreams.

Needless to say, the dream got me really into photography mode. I think tomorrow is a good blog day for Faeries. Today I'm having a little trouble focusing enough. For now, please don't try to jump of anything after a running start. You cant fly like that. I've tried. I'm sure many people have tried, but that doesn't mean it's okay to end up in a padded room. But maybe you have a thing for padded rooms...who am I to judge.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you hit your writing goal! Keep it up and you'll finish your first book in no time.
