Wednesday, August 8, 2012

WRITING: Screenplay Contest feat. Vidoq

So, I've been down on myself for the last couple of days, and finally today I feel a lot better. I worked hard to cheer myself up with meeting deadlines and breaking for wii.

Today I got a fish. His name is Vidoq and he is like a lava lamp: very soothing. I picked out a tank with LED lighting that I tinted blue with little rocks. I put in shiny little clear rocks and a big Buddha with a fake bonsai tree. He likes it so much that he came right up to the front and blew me a kiss bubble; if you say it's anything different than shall ignore you. I really needed a pet, and I don't even need a ridiculously expensive pet deposit.

I also finally entered my first feature film screenplay into a Hollywood contest. I don't know if it will get anything, but I payed a bit more to get my score and comments back so I could grow and write even better. That was a huge weight off my chest, to be honest. I've actually been really lacking in confidence concerning my creations, which is why I started this blog.

I can't share my screenplay with you, but here is the logline to it:

“Terrified villagers fear the supernatural as a new resident to the secluded northern city becomes a trigger for the deterioration of the upper class. Gradually, the nobles succumb to their own desires for money, power, love, and blood; leaving behind only a folk tale.”

It took a while to complete, but after my schedule really opened up I cracked down hard. Once written, however, there was the terrifying days of rewriting. As my professors always told us: “a screenplay is 10% writing and 90% rewriting.” Also it takes a ton of cutting down. A wordy script is hard to pull through. 

To be took a long time and several passes to fix all of my grammar mistakes.

Anyway, I'm really feeling better, so I wanted to share it. Hopefully I won't get hit by any cars before I hear back from the contest.

Man! I am so nervous!


  1. I am so excited for you! It sounds really good! My fingers are crossed because Hollywood really needs some good screenplays.

    1. Thank you so much!!! I'll definitely let you know what happens!!

  2. Um DUDE have I told you how awesome you are lately?! Cuz you are and this is freaking awesome about the contest!!!!!!
