Monday, August 13, 2012


The weather is cloudy and the smell of rain is in the air. Today is a good day to sit out on the porch and write. Hopefully I'll get a lot done, I have much to do this week. I'm going to be housesitting, so I have to pack up my things by wednesday. I'm going to miss my porch. I have some great material for my novel now that I've used the actual machines for my spine therapy. They look very twisted and helped me come up with some good descriptions for things in the steampunk era.

Since I'm feeling in a faerie and flighty mood, I think I'll continue with the theme.

My beautiful friend let me dress her up in an old dress I've had forever and play a bit with make-up. We then went to the downtown area where all the nice bricks are. I took a lot of great pictures. I named the shoot Urban Sprite. The looks we got that day were very memorable, and I hope it didn't make her feel too awkward...

 The one above never really got a lot of attention from the others I showed it to, but I really love the colouring. It's one of my favorites from this shoot. She looks so frail.

 Fun with colour!!!
Above is one of my absolute favorite shots and the #1 personal favorite from the shoot. I wish I had changed the angle just a little bit, though.
I'm really happy that she let me do this! I really wanted to experiment with light wings done in post. She looked so cute in that dress too! Thank you, Katy!

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