Sunday, August 26, 2012

Even Artists Need a Break

The last few day have been insane!! I feel both awful for missing posts and neglecting my arts, but also a bit refreshed. It's been a long time Since I gone more than one day without focusing on some work. I may be behind in  my work, but there's no helping it now.

This break started when I had a complete relapse of my back pains. I've started to wonder if my physical therapy is ever going to work. I really wanted to draw that day too, but it was impossible when just sitting sent stabs of pain up my spine. The drawing I've been working on is supposed to be a birthday gift for my brother. I've already let him know his present will be late. I'd feel more bad if he actually cared that it's going to be late. He's pretty chill.

I haven't done any writing for three days either. That means I'm going to be kicking butt.

I did spend the last couple of days preparing for "The World's Largest Yardsale."  They took over the parking areas of a shopping mall for people to buy out lots and sell their stuff like a flea market. I had several boxes of things I didn't need anymore, so I bought a space. Luckily I had some things my parents, boyfriend, and housemate didn't want either to add to the stock. I was worried because the wind was terrible and things were being blown away, but soon the wind died down. I didn't have as much to sell as my neighbors and I only had three tables to use; the rest sat the ground. Still, I made out pretty good. I sold a nice microwave and my entire stock of Japanese Manga to an older couple (very surprising). Sadly none of my bulky textbooks sold. A lot of my incense also went really fast. I was worried I wouldn't make up the price for the lot, but around noon people really started buying up my things. The games and DVD's didn't sell, but I ended up taking them to a used store who got me some good deals.

Across the way there was an author trying to sell her books. I don't think she sold a single one. It made me wish I had my novel finished and was selling it there, just so I could show her how it's done. She was sooooooooo grouchy looking. She just sat in the back of her truck and frumped. Instead of pushing her table out to the edge of the lot where passerby's could see them more easily, she had the table set up all the way in the back, so to even see what she had, people would have to go out of the way. She also changed her set-up after a couple of hours thinking that blocking the books with descriptive signs of each. That didn't work. To me she looked like someone raising awareness for something. Plus her book sign said  "Books for Women", so it's to a very specific audience. I'm really glad I have a better sales persona. I'm actually really pumped to get back to my novel.

Thank you for sticking with me!

1 comment:

  1. Your books will sell much better than hers. For one, yours have a far more interesting premise :)
