Thursday, August 9, 2012


I want to start by introducing my new fish Vidoq. Sorry I didn't have a picture yesterday.

He loves his new tank. This morning I found him challenging his own reflection. He also likes to go right to the front-center and stare at me...judging me...waiting for the day he can plot his fishy revenge. It'll start by missing keys, then escalate to lose screws and inconveniently placed tacks.

But I digress...on to the main point.

Back when I was a studio photographer and slowing hating the world day by day, me and one of my closest friends decided to have fun photo days. The goal was to love photography again and use our creative talent.

Also to learn more about our cameras.

And to have a lot of fun.

There was one time where we dressed up and went to the downtown area for some random model pictures. We got so many weird looks. These two random scruffy looking guys even jumped in one of the pictures. They got so excited thinking we were models. They wanted copies of the pictures, but I never saw them again. I would share the one with them in it, but I don't want to use anyones picture that I don't have permission to use on my site.

The great thing about my friend is that we are close enough in size that we could even trade shoes! You ever wonder why girls have friends like them? It's because it's like having a whole second wardrobe. Plus it saves tons of money when you want to try different styles for fun photo shoots, but don't have the money.

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